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LSST SQuaRE Helm charts repository

Using this repository

To install a Helm chart from this repository first add the repository:

helm repo add lsstsqre
helm repo update

Installing charts

Use the helm install command to install the charts:

helm install lsstsqre/mychart --name myrelease

See the Helm Documentation for more information.

Adding a new chart to this repository

This command will create a collection of files that defines your chart:

cd charts
helm create mychart

Be sure to do this in the charts subdirectory, since only charts in that directory will be released and uploaded to the repository.


Helm finds the YAML definitions for your Kubernetes objects in the templates/ directory. Helm runs each file in this directory through a Go template rendering engine.


The values.yaml file defines the defaults for each template variable.


If you place a file named NOTES.txt in the templates/ directory of a chart, it will be printed out after the chart is successfully deployed. This file is templated using the same template engine as other resources in that directory. It should produce plain text information.

Debugging your chart

As you develop your chart, it’s a good idea to run it through the linter to ensure you’re following best practices and that your templates are well-formed:

helm lint mychart

A convenient command to debug your new chart is:

helm install --dry-run --debug mychart

Packaging your chart

Your chart will be packaged and released automatically once the chart has been merged into the master branch. This is done via a GitHub Action configured in .github/workflows/release.yaml. The release will then be automatically added to the repository index at

⎈ Happy Helming! ⎈